Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Wednesday September 26, 2018

Today's Learning Target: Students will be able to locate people, places, and things throughout the world. Students will understand how humans impact the environment and vice versa. Students will be well informed members of society and will be able to formulate educated opinions on global, national, and local issues.

Circle: What is your favorite show to watch on TV?

Anchor Activity: You will be working on your World Issues Project for 10-15 minutes.

I-Time: We will be doing an I-Time activity called "Getting Acquainted."

Whole Class Game: You will be mingling around the room with a word written on a piece of paper. When I say go, you will search for the other student who has the same thing written on their paper. You will try to get with that partner as quickly as possible. When everyone gets together there will be a get to know you question for each person to answer. The group that is last to meet up will share each others answers with the group.
-If you could drive any car, what would it be?
-How many siblings do you have?
-What's your favorite pet that you've ever had?
-What's your favorite subject in school?
-What's your favorite color?
-If you could be any super hero that exists, who would you be?
-If you could travel the world with one person who would it be?

Exit Ticket: What is one thing you are enjoying or doing well at in this class so far? What is one thing your are not enjoying, doing poorly at, or nervous about in this class?

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