Monday, February 22, 2021

Week of February 22, 2021 - February 26, 2021

Learning Target: Students will be working to create a classroom learning community. Students will be working to get better at essential reading, writing, and analyzing skills. Students will understand the reasons why people live where they live.

QOD: During which war was the Battle of Normandy, also known as D Day?

Circle: What was the last TV show you binge watched or movie you have watched over and over again?

Five Big Things: Who are your five favorite celebrities?

Finding a New Homeland: You will be working together in groups to complete the Finding a New Homeland activity. We will then be having a discussion as a class about why you chose the location you did.

City & Road Locations: We will be having a quick discussion on how cities and roads have developed, and why they are where they are today.

Where people live: We will be reading this article that talks about factors people today need to consider when deciding where to live.

We will then be having group, and class discussions on these factors. Which factors do you think were most important to your family when they decided to live here?

Factors Writing: You are going to do a quick writing assignment talking about the three most important factors that landed your family in Maine.

At Home: For at home students, this will be your last opportunity to complete your Climate Change Mini Q Essay.