Monday, October 26, 2020

Week of 10/26/20 - 10/30/20

Learning Target: Students will be working to create a classroom learning community. Students will be working to get better at essential reading, writing, and analyzing skills. Students will be able to evaluate a source for bias, and come to conclusions about a situation based on multiple sources.

QOD: Which of the 50 states has the highest population? What town in Maine was once known as the "lumber capital of the world?"

Circle: What is your biggest pet peeve? What is your favorite family vacation?

Claim, Evidence, Warrant: Today we will be learning about what claim, evidence, warrant writing is. We will then be practicing with a few examples. Here is the link to get us started.

Practice: Students will be practicing writing a claim, evidence, warrant paragraph using the reading below.

Lunchroom Fight Writing: This will be our introduction to claim, evidence, warrant writing. Students will be working to create a claim, evidence, warrant paragraphing arguing what they think happened, and what they think the punishment should be. 

On Zoom

Pod B: Students will be finishing the Evidence Context chart for the lunchroom fight. 

Pod A: Students will be writing their Lunchroom Fight Paragraph.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Week of 10/19/20 - 10/23/20

 Learning Target: Students will be working to create a classroom learning community. Students will be working to get better at essential reading, writing, and analyzing skills. Students will be able to evaluate a source for bias, and come to conclusions about a situation based on multiple sources.

QOD: Two countries have over a billion people in them, name them both. What American was known as "the father of his country?"

Circle: If you had to get a tattoo, what would it be of? If you sang karaoke in front of the whole school, what song would you choose?

Lunchroom Fight: Students will be looking over the lunchroom fight scenario, and will be reading the different witness statements. 

Lunchroom Fight Evidence: After reading the witness statements, students will be evaluating each witness. Students will try to identify what biases each witness might have, and will ultimately have to rank how reliable they think each witness is.

Lunchroom Fight Writing: This will be our introduction to claim, evidence, warrant writing. Students will be working to create a claim, evidence, warrant paragraphing arguing what they think happened, and what they think the punishment should be. 


Pod B: Students will be working on their bias videos. All information for these videos are on Google Classroom.

Pod A: Students will be finishing the Evidence Context chart for the lunchroom fight. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Week of 10/13/20 - 10/16/20

Learning Target: Students will be working to create a classroom learning community. Students will be working to get better at essential reading, writing, and analyzing skills. Students will be informed on the major political issues in our country and where the candidates stand on those issues. 

QOD: On what day of the year does America vote for president. 

Circle: What's your favorite season and why?

Political Issues: Students will be doing some research on the major political issues surrounding this election. We will be making a master list of some of the major issues as a class. 

Discussion & Questions: Students will get to talk in groups about which issues are most important to them and why. They will then get a chance to ask any questions that they have about the issues.

Issues and Candidates: Students will be completing an assignment on Google Classroom where they will talk about which issues are most important to them, where they stand on that issue, and which candidate aligns closer with their belief.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Week of 10/5/20 - 10/9/20

Learning Target: Students will be working to create a classroom learning community. Students will be working to get better at essential reading, writing, and analyzing skills.

QOD: What is the longest river in the United States? Who are the two vice president candidates from the major political parties? 

Circle: What do you think is the best age to be? If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Intro: We will be going over what point of view and bias are as well as how they relate to each other. We will be having a class discussion to start things off. 

Bias: Students will be reading a sheet about bias and how to spot it. We will then have a discussion about what was read. 

Identifying: Students will be presented with a series of scenarios and will be trying to determine if there is bias in each one. If there is bias, students will be asked to identify exactly what was biased. 


Pod B:

Evaluating a Primary Source: Finish this assignment if you have not already done so.

Maine Maps: Finish your special purpose map that you started creating last class.

Daily Exit Ticket

Pod A:

Source Bias: Students will be picking an article of their choosing to evaluate for bias.

Bias Example: Students will be creating a short video as an example of bias. 

Daily Exit Ticket