Monday, November 30, 2020

Week of 11/30/20 - 12/4/20

Learning Target: Students will be working to create a classroom learning community. Students will be able to write a claim, evidence, warrant paragraph. Students will know the five themes of geography and be able to apply them. 

QOD: Which state has the highest percentage of forest cover? Which of the 50 states was last to become a state?

Circle: Are you someone who likes or dislikes surprises? Why? What was one thing that was served at Thanksgiving that you hate to eat?

Map Analysis: Students will be working together in groups to create Region maps for the United States.

Exit Ticket: Which region that you've created do you most want to live in?

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thursday 11/19 & Friday 11/20

 Learning Target: Students will be working to create a classroom learning community. Students will be able to write a claim, evidence, warrant paragraph. Students will know the five themes of geography and be able to apply them. 

QOD: What two countries have the longest border in the world?

Circle:  Who is a character from a movie or tv show that you would want to hang out with?

Movement & Region Questions: Students will be talking about the answers that they gave for the movement and region questions.

My Town Project: Students will be starting their My Town Projects in class today.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Monday 11/16 & Tuesday 11/17

Learning Target: Students will be working to create a classroom learning community. Students will be able to write a claim, evidence, warrant paragraph. Students will know the five themes of geography and be able to apply them. 

QOD: What is the name of the world's largest and hottest desert? 

Circle: Which app on your phone do you use the most?

Five Themes Geography: We will be starting to go over the five themes of geography today in class. The five themes are Location, Place, Movement, Human/Environment Interaction, and Region.

Students will be working in groups to read about and understand one specific theme.

Region: We will be talking about the theme Region. Students will be brainstorming different regions for the state of Maine.

Movement: We will be talking about the theme Movement. Students will be brainstorming what is imported into and exported out of the state of Maine. 

Human/Environment Interaction: We will be talking about the theme HEI. Students will be brainstorming a list of ways that we adapt to and change our environment.

Exit Ticket: Students will need to create a video showing an example of humans adapting to their environment.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Week of 11/9/20 - 11/13/20

Learning Target: Students will be working to create a classroom learning community. Students will be able to write a claim, evidence, warrant paragraph. Students will know the five themes of geography and be able to apply them. 

QOD: English is the most spoken language in the world, what is the second most spoken? What is the biggest ocean in the world?

Circle: If you could only have one meal for a week, what meal would you choose? What's the longest you've ever been away from home?

Five Big Things: What are your five favorite activities to do?

Five Themes Geography: We will be starting to go over the five themes of geography today in class. The five themes are Location, Place, Movement, Human/Environment Interaction, and Region.

Location: We will be talking about the theme Location. Students will be coming up with their own examples by describing something local using absolute and relative location.

Place: We will be talking about the theme Place. Students will be trying to describe Maine using the theme Place. Students will then be trying to make a claim, evidence, warrant paragraph about whether they love or hate living in Maine based on Maine's characteristics. 

Movement: We will be talking about the theme Movement. Students will be brainstorming what is imported into and exported out of the state of Maine. 

Exit Ticket: Using examples from outside of Maine, try to create examples for each of the themes we have gone over so far.

On Zoom

Pod B: Students will be looking for an article about the election and answering a few questions.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Week of 11/2/20 - 11/6/20

 Learning Target: Students will be working to create a classroom learning community. Students will be working to get better at essential reading, writing, and analyzing skills. Students will be able to evaluate a source for bias, and come to conclusions about a situation based on multiple sources.

QOD: Which president was the last one to not be re-elected? How many electoral votes does it take to win the United States presidential election?

Circle: What is your least favorite household chore? If you could choose to do anything for the day, what would it be?

Color Coding: Students will be learning about, and practicing color coding an example paragraph on Google Classroom. 

Lunchroom Fight Paragraphs: Students will be putting their lunchroom fight writing into complete paragraphs, and then color coding it. Students will then be looking at each others color coded paragraphs and doing peer editing.

On Zoom

Pod B: Students will be writing their Lunchroom Fight Paragraph.

Pod A: Students will be looking for an article about the election and answering a few questions.