Monday, January 25, 2021

Week of January 25, 2021 - January 29, 2021

Learning Target: Students will be working to create a classroom learning community. Students will be able to write a claim, evidence, warrant paragraph. Students will know the five themes of geography and be able to apply them. 

QOD: What does the term multilingual mean? What is the largest country in the world by land size?

Circle: Would you rather always be 20 minutes early or ten minutes late? If you were a superhero, what power would you want to have?

Climate Change Mini Q: We will be working on Documents G and H today in class.

Claim: You will be writing a claim for the topic of Documents G and H.

Evidence: We will be talking about the theme of documents G and H. You will then be working to find evidence for that topic from those documents. 

Late Work: For students who are missing assignments in my class, you will NOT be working on the documents listed above. Instead, you will be working to get your grade to passing in my class. 


Make up Work: You will use this class time to complete any summative assignments you have not yet completed.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

January 19, 2021 - January 22, 2021

Learning Target: Students will be working to create a classroom learning community. Students will be able to write a claim, evidence, warrant paragraph. Students will know the five themes of geography and be able to apply them. 

QOD: How many stars are on the United States flag? What country were the olympics created in?

Circle: What's something in your closet that you won't wear? If you could take over and become the owner of any company in the world, which company would you choose?

Climate Change Mini Q: We will be working on Documents E and F today in class.

Claim: You will be writing a claim for the topic of Documents E and F.

Evidence: We will be talking about the theme of documents E and F. You will then be working to find evidence for that topic from those documents. 

Additional Documents: If time allows, we will start going over document G in class today. 


Make up Work: You will use this class time to complete any summative assignments you have not yet completed.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Week of January 11, 2021 - January 15, 2021

Learning Target: Students will be working to create a classroom learning community. Students will be able to write a claim, evidence, warrant paragraph. Students will know the five themes of geography and be able to apply them. 

QOD: What spell, that Harry Potter is famous for, is used to fight off Dementors? What line splits the earth in half between the north and the south?

Circle: Who has been more important in shaping who you are today, your parents or your friends? What color clothing do you wear the least?

Climate Change Mini Q: We will be working on Document D in class today. You will be reading and answering the questions on your own, and then we will go over the document together as a class.

Evidence: We we be talking about what the topics are for the first four documents and making a list of good evidence we could use in our essays.

Writing: You will be writing one body paragraph today on one of the two topics we have covered so far in the Mini Q.


Pod B: Today you should be completing document D in class. Make sure to answer all of the questions in full sentences. 

Pod A: Today you will be writing your one body paragraph.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Week of January 4, 2021 - January 8, 2021

Learning Target: Students will be working to create a classroom learning community. Students will be able to write a claim, evidence, warrant paragraph. Students will know the five themes of geography and be able to apply them. 

QOD: What is the tallest mountain in New England? What is the tallest dog breed in the world?

Circle: What was one highlight from your Christmas break? Would you rather be able to detect any lie told to you, or get away with any lie you want?

5 Big Things: Where are the five places in the world you most want to go at some point in your life?

Climate Change Mini Q: We will be introducing the Mini Q today by doing the Background Essay and the first document.