Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thursday November 29, 2018 & Friday November 30, 2018

Learning Target: Students will be well informed members of society and will be able to formulate educated opinions on global, national, and local issues. Students will know and understand the physical and human geography of Europe. Students will understand current issues that Europe is facing. Students will understand the basic forms of government and where they came from. 

Circle: Would you rather live the rest of your life never seeing another person or live the rest of your life never having a moment by yourself? Would you rather be famous when you are alive but then forgotten or would you rather be unknown when alive but famous forever once dead?

World Issues: You will have fifteen minutes to work on your World Issues Projects.

Europe Map Studying: You will be working with a partner to study for the Europe Map Quiz.
The Rules: Once you pick a partner, each group of 2 will need to get a textbook. Then, you will take turns quizzing each other. One partner will ask the other partner to locate a country. If they are able to locate the country they get a point. If your partner is unable to locate the country correctly, you must locate it for them. If you are unable to then locate that country you will lose a point. The game will be played for ten minutes, whichever partner has the most points at the end of the game wins. 

Ancient Greek Governments: In this unit we will be focusing on the Ancient Greeks and Ancient Romans and be looking at the different forms of government that they used. Today, we will be introduced to Ancient Greece. We will be learning the physical structure of Ancient Greece as well as the different forms of government they used. Today, we will be focusing a good chunk of our time on Athenian Democracy.
The Steps:
1- Defining what a Greek City-State was.
2- Discovering what the most powerful City-States were.
3- Discovering what kind of governments these City-States had.
4- Defining democracy. What is direct vs representative?
5- Defining what democracy looks like in America.
6- Discovering what democracy looked like in Athens.
7- Thinking critically about the differences between American and Athenian democracy.
8- Thinking deeper: why is it important for us to understand what a democracy is?

Here is the link we will be using to learn about Athenian democracy.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Wednesday November 28, 2018

Learning Target: Students will be well informed members of society and will be able to formulate educated opinions on global, national, and local issues. Students will know and understand the physical and human geography of Europe. Students will understand current issues that Europe is facing. 


World Issues Project: You will be spending 10 minutes on your World Issues Project

Europe Map Studying: We will be taking 10 minutes to study the European Map.

Ancient Greece Governments: We will be introducing the idea of City-States and what governments they had. 

Monday, November 26, 2018

Monday November 26, 2018

Learning Target: Students will be well informed members of society and will be able to formulate educated opinions on global, national, and local issues. Students will know and understand the physical and human geography of Europe. Students will understand current issues that Europe is facing. 

Circle: What was one highlight from Thanksgiving break? What's your favorite activity to do in the snow?

World Issues Projects: You will have 10 minutes to work on your world issues projects.

Europe Map Study Game: You will be competing in teams to find the countries in Europe the fastest.

Europe Map Practice Quiz: You will be taking a practice test for the Europe Map Quiz. 

Terrorism Infographic: This will be your final day to work on your Terrorism Infographics. These are due Wednesday!

Next Class: We will start talking about governments through the lens of two ancient civilizations; the Greeks and the Romans. 

Monday, November 19, 2018

Monday November 19, 2018 & Tuesday November 20, 2018

Learning Target: Students will be well informed members of society and will be able to formulate educated opinions on global, national, and local issues. Students will know and understand the physical and human geography of Europe. Students will understand current issues that Europe is facing. 

Circle: What is one sentimental item that you would bring with you to a deserted island?

World Issues Projects: You will have 10 minutes to work on your world issues projects.

Europe Map Quiz Studying- Link 1    Link 2

Europe Terrorism Infographic/ Human Environment Essay

Homework: Finish your Human/Environment Essays and Terrorism Infographics

All Classes- Europe mapping practice quiz will be the first class after Thanksgiving break. 

Period 1 & 2- Human/Environment Essay is already overdue. Terrorism Infographic is due the first class after Thanksgiving break.

Period 8- Human/Environment Essay is due by Thanksgiving. Friday 11/23 I'm putting a 50 in the grade book if it's not completed. Terrorism Infographics are due the second class after Thanksgiving break. The first class after Thanksgiving break will be dedicated to working on these Infographics. 

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Thursday November 15, 2018

Green Day

Learning Target: Students will be well informed members of society and will be able to formulate educated opinions on global, national, and local issues. Students will know and understand the physical and human geography of Europe. Students will understand current issues that Europe is facing. 

Circle: What room of your house do you spend the most waking hours in.

World Issues Projects: You will have 10 minutes to work on your world issues projects.

Europe Map Quiz Studying

Europe Terrorism Infographic 

Homework: Finish your Human/Environment Essays!

Note: Human/Environment Essay is due tomorrow. The Terrorism Infographic is due the first class after Thanksgiving. Both will receive 50's in the gradebook on these dates if not passed in.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Friday November 9, 2018 & Tuesday November 13, 2018

Learning Target: Students will be well informed members of society and will be able to formulate educated opinions on global, national, and local issues. Students will know and understand the physical and human geography of Europe. Students will understand current issues that Europe is facing. 

Circle: Who is the one person in your life that has made the biggest impact on who your are today?

World Issues Projects: You will have 15 minutes to work on your world issues projects.

Europe Geography: Take 10 minutes to use these two links to learn about the physical geography of Europe... Link 1    Link 2

Discussion on Warrants: We will be talking about the idea that you use warrants in your everyday conversations and that warrants are the part that must be agreed upon in order for someone to agree with your claim. We will be talking about logic bridges.

European Terrorism: We will take ten minutes of class time to finish up your Europe Terrorism paragraphs.

European Terrorism Infographics: You will be creating infographics about terrorism in Europe. Here is the rubric.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Tuesday October 6, 2018 & Wednesday October 7, 2018

Learning Target: Students will be well informed members of society and will be able to formulate educated opinions on global, national, and local issues. Students will know and understand the physical and human geography of Europe. Students will understand current issues that Europe is facing. 

Circle: What scares you the most.

World Issues Projects: You will have 15 minutes to work on your world issues projects.

Europe Geography: Take 10 minutes to use these two links to learn about the physical geography of Europe... Link 1 

Issues Facing Europe: You will be taking a couple minutes to research what issues Europe is currently facing.

Paris Attacks Video: We will be watching some video clips on the Paris Terrorist Attacks.

Europe Terrorism Paragraph: You will be reading this article and writing a claim, evidence, warrant paragraph about terrorism in Europe. 

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Friday October 2, 2018 & Monday October 5, 2018

Learning Target: Students will be well informed members of society and will be able to formulate educated opinions on global, national, and local issues. Students will know and understand the physical and human geography of Europe.

World Issues Projects: You will have 15 minutes to work on your world issues projects.

Europe Geography: Take 10 minutes to use these two links to learn about the physical geography of Europe... Link 1 
Link 2

Europe Current Events: You will be going online and looking for any current news articles pertaining to anything in the continent of Europe. Once you find a news article about something going on in Europe, read it! After you're done reading, write a summary of the article. Also, add a couple of sentences on why you think this news is important. Is it going to affect the USA in any way? You should write this on Classroom... the assignment is title Europe Current Events. Make sure to turn it in when you're done!

When You're Done: If you complete this with time left in class you have two options... Work on your Human/Environment Essay if that is not completed. If that is completed you can work on your World Issues Project. 

Homework: Finish Europe Current Events assignment and turn in on Classroom if not completed in class.

Human/Environment Essays Due Wednesday!