Monday, October 26, 2020

Week of 10/26/20 - 10/30/20

Learning Target: Students will be working to create a classroom learning community. Students will be working to get better at essential reading, writing, and analyzing skills. Students will be able to evaluate a source for bias, and come to conclusions about a situation based on multiple sources.

QOD: Which of the 50 states has the highest population? What town in Maine was once known as the "lumber capital of the world?"

Circle: What is your biggest pet peeve? What is your favorite family vacation?

Claim, Evidence, Warrant: Today we will be learning about what claim, evidence, warrant writing is. We will then be practicing with a few examples. Here is the link to get us started.

Practice: Students will be practicing writing a claim, evidence, warrant paragraph using the reading below.

Lunchroom Fight Writing: This will be our introduction to claim, evidence, warrant writing. Students will be working to create a claim, evidence, warrant paragraphing arguing what they think happened, and what they think the punishment should be. 

On Zoom

Pod B: Students will be finishing the Evidence Context chart for the lunchroom fight. 

Pod A: Students will be writing their Lunchroom Fight Paragraph.

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