Sunday, November 8, 2020

Week of 11/9/20 - 11/13/20

Learning Target: Students will be working to create a classroom learning community. Students will be able to write a claim, evidence, warrant paragraph. Students will know the five themes of geography and be able to apply them. 

QOD: English is the most spoken language in the world, what is the second most spoken? What is the biggest ocean in the world?

Circle: If you could only have one meal for a week, what meal would you choose? What's the longest you've ever been away from home?

Five Big Things: What are your five favorite activities to do?

Five Themes Geography: We will be starting to go over the five themes of geography today in class. The five themes are Location, Place, Movement, Human/Environment Interaction, and Region.

Location: We will be talking about the theme Location. Students will be coming up with their own examples by describing something local using absolute and relative location.

Place: We will be talking about the theme Place. Students will be trying to describe Maine using the theme Place. Students will then be trying to make a claim, evidence, warrant paragraph about whether they love or hate living in Maine based on Maine's characteristics. 

Movement: We will be talking about the theme Movement. Students will be brainstorming what is imported into and exported out of the state of Maine. 

Exit Ticket: Using examples from outside of Maine, try to create examples for each of the themes we have gone over so far.

On Zoom

Pod B: Students will be looking for an article about the election and answering a few questions.

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