Thursday, January 16, 2020

Friday January 17, 2020 & Tuesday January 21, 2020

Circle: Would you rather only be able to eat other people's left overs or only be able to eat burnt food?

Virginia Guns: We will be talking about the gun protests going on in Virginia. We will be talking about the sheriff that's vowed to deputize residents. Here is an article talking about the latest news:

Abortion: The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy.

14th Amendment: What does the 14th amendment say about abortion?

Roe v Wade: In 1973 the Supreme Court ruled abortion was legal according to the 14th amendment. 

Recent Laws: We will be watching this short video talking about the new abortion law signed into law in Alabama.

Recent Laws: We will be looking at this article put out by CNN that breaks down current abortion laws in America.


Arguments: We will be looking at the arguments made by both sides for why abortions or should not be legal.

Against Abortion:
-Christians believe the Bible strictly says abortion is wrong.
-Unborn Victims of Violence Act (also relates to 14th amendment)
-14th amendment should not have been used for Roe v Wade
-Life begins at conception

For Abortion:
-Women should have the right to choose what goes on with their bodies.
-Roe v Wade shows that abortion should be legal.
-Personhood does not start until fetus is "viable."

Potential Reasons for Abortion:
-Threat to mothers health
-Too young
-Not enough money
-Just don't want a kid

Reflection: You will be writing a reflection on Google Classroom.

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